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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Belajar meniarap

From mama's reading...

Rolling Over
Once your baby has
head control, and about the same time that he learns to sit on his own with support, he'll learn to roll over. He'll eventually learn to flip over from his back to his tummy and vice versa, and he'll use his newfound skill to get around a bit. The incentive for those early rolls is often an elusive toy – or you

When it develops
Your baby may be able to kick himself over, from his tummy to his back, as early as age 4 months. It may take him until he's about 5 or 6 months to flip from back to front, though, because he needs stronger neck and arm muscles for that maneuver.

How it develops

At about 3 months, when placed on his stomach, your baby will lift his head and shoulders high, using his arms for support. This mini-pushup helps him strengthen the muscles he'll use to roll over. He'll amaze you (and himself!) the first time he flips over. (While babies often flip from front to back first, doing it the other way is perfectly normal, too.)

At 5 months your baby will probably be able to lift his head, push up on his arms, and arch his back to lift his chest off the ground. He may even rock on his stomach, kick his legs, and swim with his arms. All these exercises help him develop the muscles he needs to roll over in both directions – likely by the time he's about 6 months old.

While some babies adopt rolling as their primary mode of ground transportation for a while, others skip it altogether and move on to sitting, lunging, and crawling. As long as your child continues to gain new skills and shows interest in getting around and exploring his environment, don't worry.
Zara's progress and activities...

Alhamdulillah..sekarang ni zara dah boleh balik-balik kan badan dia sampai meniarap dh! Progres macam ni sangat memberi kegembiraan yang maksimum bagi mama dan papa. Mama dengan papa terharu sangat-sangat bila boleh tengok zara dah pandai buat macam-macam..

Bermula dengan zara start pandai hisap-hisap jari. Main-main dengan jari dia..sampai kan badan tergolek2 dan akhirnya meniarap..

Mula-mulanya, bangun pagi2 mood zara macam biasa  la..tersangat happy! mama memang suka sangat main2 ngan zara time macam ni. Kebiasaannya, zara akan bangun dulu dari mama ngan papa tau! harap..bila zara besar nanti..kekalkan ok! bangun awal! hehe

Bila bangun tido, memang zara akan bagi senyuman manis pada mama ngan papa.. Pantang mama tegur sikit, macam ni la zara.gelak besar!

Pastu, mama akan mula kemas-kemas bilik, wat keje2 rumah sikit, zara lak akan mantain mood happy sambil isap2 jari..Memang ralik..sampaikan badan sampai tergolek kiri kanan..

golek punya golek..

tuuttt...jadila macam ni!

so..sekarang zara dah pandai meniarap dah! mama suka!

Comelnye anak mama ni...mama n papa love you darling!!!!!

Note: Hmm..tak sabar pulak mama nk tengok progress baby zara mama ni..bila dh pandai meniarap..nanti jadi pandai mengesot lak pakai tangan..Then..mula angkatkan bontot...dan lutut...then merangkak lak..pastu..start pegang2 dinding sambil perlahan-lahan...dh pandai bertatih..berjalan..dan akhirnya dh boleh berlari!!

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