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Sunday, July 3, 2011

How to differentiate baby gender?

Semalam mama dan papa dah menjalankan detail scan untuk full check up kesihatan baby dalam kandungan termasuklah jantung baby, paru-paru, hati, ginjal, anggota badan, pengaliran darah dalam badan baby dan termasuklah otak baby.

So..semuanya nampak normal..dan doctor mengesahkan baby sangat sihat dalam kandungan. Alhamdullilah..syukur ke hadrat ilahi. Mama dan papa dh dapat tengot keseluruhan anggota badan baby. Alhamdulillah..kesemuanya ckup sifat dh. Tinggal lagi tumbesaran sahaja..

Buat mase ni, muka baby nampak cengkung. Mama agak risau jugak tkot2 baby xckup makan ke ape. Tapi, mengikut doctor ckp semalam, minggu ke 22 ni memang badan baby masih takde lemak bawah kulit. So baby memang akan cengkung dan xgemok. Lepas 6bulan nnti, struktur kulit baby dh ckup tebal untuk menampung pembentukan lemak bawah kulit.

Mase tu, berat mama akan berganda2 naik. Dan perut jugak akan membesar dengan jayanya. 

Owh ye...pasal gender? nak tau? heee..ok..Mama and papa pon sebenarnya xconfirm. Tapi doctor sebenarnye dh confirm..."its a girl"!!..So..mama dan papa blik rumah, wt sedikit research. So, based on this page dia ckp:

Can the scan show the gender of my baby?

It can show the gender of the baby from about 14 weeks, but if your baby is lying in the wrong position it may be difficult to tell. The ability to assign gender increases with increasing gestational age.

[Fetal age 14 weeks]
[16 weeks Gestational]

[Fetal age 18 weeks]
[20 weeks Gestational]
   [Fetal age 18 weeks]
    [20 weeks Gestational]
phallusboy scan  girl 3 lines3 lines sign
The male fetus may show a round bulbous area within the genital area which is the scrotum and penis. This sometimes can be seen on screen as an appearance similar to the profile of a small snail.The absence of the penis must not be taken as sufficient evidence of the fetus being a girl. Using ultrasound the 3 lines sign which denotes the labia in the fetus is a good indication of the female gender.

Most of the time they should be able to tell the sex of the baby by about 22 weeks. The correct visualization of any fetal part depends on many factors such as fetal position, amount of amniotic fluid and thickness of the abdominal wall. Some hospitals have a policy of not telling women the sex of the baby, as it is not usually possible to be 100 per cent certain.

Boy 3DGirl 3D

35 weeks Scan

Ultrasound scans done in later pregnancy or 3D scans can make it easier to see the gender of a baby. The sonographer may not always get a good view of the private parts of the fetus for many reasons and therefore may not be able to give you an accurate answer.

So..macam tu la caranya nak confirm girl or boy...hmm...kalo tengok pada scan image baby kesayangan mama dan papa ni pulak..

Maalovenns Junior

agak-agaknye dah jelas tak? hahahaha...kan????? yess...betol..its true...Its a Girl!! So...we are just wait and see! 

So...kami decided kalo baby girl nak namakan baby sebagai ..



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